Moving from DXP To XM Cloud

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As discussed at SUGCON this year, there seems to be a real buzz in the sitecore community, about the move from Sitecore DXP to a more composable architecture. To make this move, the first step for anyone using Sitecore XP would be to switch to a Headless approach and use Sitecore JSS, then ultimately XM Cloud.

In a discussion with my Sitecore Mentee Deepak Jena (who is very familiar with Headless and JSS) we decided it might make an interesting blog series to look at this in more detail.

The plan is to to create a fairly simple XP demo site, that is built using the classic C# MVC approach. The site will include some common components that you might expect to find on a sitecore website. It will include standard layout and placeholder functionality, then use Twitter bootstrap to handle the front end grid structure. Finally, the site will include some basic personalisation that you might expect to come across on a XP site.

Deepak will then attempt to recreate the same site and functionality using Sitecore JSS, documenting the steps that he takes on the way. Where possible, he will reuse as much of the existing sitecore data items and front end views as possible. In doing so, this will simulate a real life migration and allow us to estimate the volume of work invoved in migrating a much larger existing sitecor website.

Once complete, I then intend to follow along with the blog series and check out the steps involved for myself.


As someone who has never even touched Sitecore JSS or anything headless, I am really looking forward to testing this out for myself. If I find it useful, then it should prove useful to anyone else out there considering a similar journey.

Hopefully this will be my first step on the road to composable.

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