Go to https://github.com/deanobrien/search-analytics-for-sitecore and download the relevant ZIP file for your version of Sitecore (i.e. Sitecore 9 Compatible – Search Analytics for Sitecore…

Items not being indexed after publish
Our marketing team recently reported an issue, whereby items where no longer being automatically indexed after a publish. Upon further…

Sitecore: AlreadyExists, Contact. XdbContext Batch Execution Exception
We recently upgraded our sitecore instance from 9.3.0 to 10.1.2. With this came some major changes. One of which was…

Help! Loss of all content!
So its the weekend and i'm sat at in a soft play. We are here for my daughters' friends birthday…

How to automate the building of SQL Snapshot images using scheduled tasks
Microsoft provide a framework for building container images in Azure called ACR, which can be called using the Azure CLI:…

How to create MSSQL Image With Custom DBs Attached (using BAK files)
The following Dockerfile can be used to create the custom image, using a local context. Note: This uses the MSSQL…

How to create an MSSQL Server Base Image
Microsoft have removed support for ‘Windows’ based images of MS SQL server. Opting only to support Linux versions. Because of…

Sitecore: Reducing the size of the master DB
The size of our master database has continued to grow at an exceptional rate ever since we initially installed our…

Moving media from SQL to Blob Storage
Introduction First of all, a little bit about how sitecore stores media. A media item in sitecore (images / videos…

Remove orphaned blobs from sitecore database
This post covers one of the steps we took to reduce the size of our master database. With our media…