This script will scan children of root (currently set too \sitecore\media library ) and return any items that are not…

Unable to add or delete personalisation rules
Today I wanted to add a quick blog post about a situation we came across today. Our content editors were…

Unit Testing: Which Framework?
So we were having a discussion in our team, over which testing frameworks people had used and which they thought…

Unit Testing in Sitecore
I have been playing around with Unit Testing in Sitecore today. In conducting my research, I came across a very…

University in a box: Docker and Kubernetes
This is a recording of a presentation I was asked to give to our IT Department. The focus of the…

Building Docker Images: Using ACR Build Command
This approach uses the Azure CLI to push your Docker file and context to the cloud. Then build it, tag…

Docker Compose: Basic Example
The docker-compose file below defines one single service called CM. It states which image to use, which PowerShell script to…

Building Docker Images: Using ACR Tasks
With this approach, we create a ACR Task (using Azure CLI), for which we pass parameters detailing: This is then…

Dockerfiles: Multi Stage Example
This Dockerfile will create a slimmed down image containing only the assets that are generated from building and publishing the…

Dockerfiles: Basic Example
A very basic example of a Dockerfile might look something like this: Line by line, it does the following: If…

A Dockerfile is a text document that contains all the commands a user could call on the command line to assemble an…

Building Docker Images: With Docker Compose Files
The docker compose file below has additional properties defined that instruct the Docker Daemon how to build an image if…

Building Docker Images: Docker Build Command
The docker build command builds Docker images from a Dockerfile and a “context”. A build’s context is the set of files located…

Building Docker Images: Copy and Commit
In order to copy to a container you need to: In order to commit the container: Note: You should only…

Building Docker Images
There are a number of ways in which you can create a docker image. These include: Copy And Commit In…

Sitecore Powershell: Alt Tags
As part of our ongoing work to improve the accessibility rating of our site, we needed to address the issue…

Sitecore Optimization: Minify HTML Page Output
As part of our steps to decrease page load time, we have configured a new pipeline HttpRequestProcessor to intercept the…

Sitecore Optimization: General Site Improvements
Some notes on steps applied to improve the speed of the font end site. Home Page: Previously we used one…