This module allows you to ask an AI Assistant to review the content of your web pages and suggest changes, using common prompts like:
- check punctuation and formatting
- correct grammatical errors
- correct spelling mistakes
- enrich vocabulary
- improve any readability issues
Or you might choose to create your own prompts to help during the creation process. For example:
- Create a 100 word description for the page based on the main content
- Expand these five bullet points into paragraphs
How to install the module
Download the Sitecore Package from the Github repository:
- Install the module using Development Tools -> Installation Wizard
- Deploy a model in Open AI Studio (i.e. gpt-4) using this guide:
- Insert at least one Deployed Model in this location and add Name, Endpoint and Key:/sitecore/system/Modules/AI Language Assistant/Deployed Models
- Insert at least one default Prompt in this location and add Prompt (i.e. correct spelling mistakes):
/sitecore/system/Modules/AI Language Assistant/Default Prompts - Edit /sitecore/system/Modules/AI Language Assistant and enter details for Assistant Title, Default Model, Default Field and Default Prompt
Note: These need to match the names previously given
Using the Assistant
Navigate to any item in your content tree. Expand the Review tab and click the Language Assistant button